Quick-Start Installation

32 bit Version 2.30 and up


The DVC System consists of a PCI type computer interface card, the DVC controller box, inter-connecting cable and software for both the card and controller box. Contrary to the instructions in the CyberResearch manual, Win 2000/ Xp/ Vista installations will go smoother if the INSTACAL software is installed before the card is inserted  in the computer:


1)    Install the INSTACAL program by inserting the CD and choosing Install from the menu if the CD auto-runs, or double-click Setup in Drivers\Instacal folder with the appropriate drive in Explorer, choose Install Drivers, then InstaCal. The suggested directory is C:\CYR; when prompted click Yes to create it. Follow all the prompts; choose all the defaults including restart the computer at the end when asked. Remove the CD and turn off the computer. DVC-4 software versions 2.3 and above require that the InstaCal directory be named \CYR for the AutoDetectAddress function to operate.

2)    Turn off the computer and install the computer card in any available PCI slot in a Pentium grade computer and connect the cable to the DVC controller box; the DVC is powered by the computer and no other cables are required to install it, but a BNC cable should be connected from SERVO OUTPUT to CH#1 INPUT for testing.

3)    Turn on the computer and some Windows operating systems will recognize that a new PCI card has been installed and prompt you for a disk containing the driver; insert the INSTACAL CD or disk #1 or browse the CD to the Product folder, open Disk#1, and proceed as requested. If not, go to step #4.

4)    Once the computer restarts, run the INSTACAL program from either the Cyber-Research or Measurement Computing folder in the Programs menu. If should recognize the DIO-24P board with a Plug-N-Play window and click OK; if a demo board #0 is shown, select  it and click the remove board icon. If you are prompted to connect to the internet, click “Keep Blocking”; Windows Vista will ask for confirmation to allow the program to install, and you MUST have administrator privileged to do so.

5)    Select the board and then INSTALL|CONFIGURE to view the properties of the installed board. Note the address and write it down since the DVC program will need it. The address is always expressed in hex so don't be surprised if there are letters in the address; the H is not part of the address. The address can also be found in the Device Manager tab of the SETTINGS|CONTROL PANEL|SYSTEM folder; click the + beside the DAS item, select the PCI-DIO24 item and choose Properties. If you wish, click the TEST menu item and DIGITAL and TEST to test the PCI card to be sure that it is operational.

6)    Before installing the DVC-4 software it is best to remove any previous versions or demo versions if they are present; the  early 16 bit versions did not have an uninstall program, so locate the DVCSHELL or DVCDEMO folders in the C:\ folder and delete the entire folder and it’s contents and any shortcuts, but first make a copy of the calibration file DVC16CAL.DAT ( in the C:\DVCSHELL folder ) to be used later to preserve calibration data.

7)    Install the DVC software by inserting the CD and entering D:Setup in the appropriate drive in the START|RUN menu and following the prompts..

8)    Shut down and restart the computer.

9)    Start the DVC program and choose the Sine Controller function if purchased, or Random if Sine was not ordered; ignore any error messages and choose AUTO-DETECT ADDRESS from the SYSTEM menu; this should confirm the address; this function will not work if the INSTACAL folder was changed during installation. Click BASE ADDRESS from the SYSTEM menu and note the address; if it is different than the previously noted card address please change it to match and save it by choosing SAVE PROFILE from the FILE menu, high-light DVCFiles.000 ( or DVCFileR.000 for Random ) and click OK to save the changes. Do not type the H on the end, as that only means hex format.

10) The Sine ( or Random ) program should be operational now. Choose ABOUT HARDWARE from the HELP menu and the serial number and enabled features should be displayed and match the purchase order; this also verifies that the system is operational.

11)  Click on the SERVO ON button and the level should come up to the profile line if a BNC cable has been connected from SERVO OUT to Ch#1 INPUT; click SWEEP RUN and observe the test proceed within tolerance. The system is now functional and ready for use.

12)  Repeat with the Random and Shock programs if those functions were also purchased to synchronize the address and verify operation.

13)  This installs the software for operation with all versions of Windows, for additional information please read the Drivers.txt instruction file in the Drivers folder on the installation CD.

14)   If this is a new installation, you are done, but if this is an upgrade from a previous installation, please copy the previously saved calibration file DVC16CAL.DAT over the one installed from the disk ( located in C:\Program Files\DvcShell folder ).

15)  If you get a printer error when trying to run the program, it is because no printer has been installed. Go to Control Panel|Printers and install any one to eliminate the problem. You can choose Generic Printer if none will be used.

16)  If you encounter difficulty, re-srart the computer a second time to register all the drivers. Carefully recheck the steps above and consult the TROUBLESHOOTING TIPS sheet; if the problem persists, contact the dealer that you purchased the system from or go to the www.vibrationworld.com support site for help.

 17)  Serial numbers below 400 used V2.1x software and V2.x driver; serial numbers above 400 use V2.3x software and require a V2.3x driver. Click HELP|ABOUT SOFTWARE to verify that you have compatible software and driver for your system; the serial number can be read in HELP|ABOUT HARDWARE or on the label on the back of the DVC-4 box.       



Rev. 5/01/2007



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